What is a Great Esthetician?

Looking for a Great Esthetician, you have come to the right place. If you are like me, you are probably looking at all the spas and facial options online. Wondering, how do I find a Great Esthetician? How will I clear my face? Who is the Best Esthetician? Where can I get the Best Facial? Well, first and foremost, start with a clear understanding of what YOU WANT. Make sure you have three goals for your skin. All the products you use should be written down, or bring them with you. A Great Esthetician will always want to know what you are currently using. Because, a Great Esthetician will make sure not to recommend something you already have, and this will save you money.

Understand that I am a Great Esthetician, not a Magician. Any Esthetician who cares about your face will about you being please with great results. Your Esthetician should ask you what you are willing, to commit to, in regard to your skin. Thus, we can come up with a custom treatment plan designed just for you. So, make sure you have an idea of what you want to spend and how much time you can dedicate to your skin transformation.

When consulting with me, I will ask you when your last menstrual cycle was. Receiving a facial when your skin is at its worst is always a good thing. I know, it makes my job harder, but a great facial means I need to see your skin at its worst.

Red flags you shouldn’t ignore when searching for a Great Esthetician 

1) They never ask you questions

If your esthetician doesn’t ask you any questions, this is a huge red flag! The more information they have the better they can treat your skin.

What makes a Great Esthetician is the desire to learn about their clients’ skin in depth. When an esthetician goes into your facial “blind,” and not knowing anything about your skin or habits, there’s a greater chance she will harm your skin.

2) They don’t give you directions for at-home skin care

Your esthetician should always professionally recommend an at-home skin care agenda to follow. These product recommendations are crucial to help maintain the great results of the treatment you just received, as well as to extend the results far between facial visits.

3) Does she really care?

Does your esthetician listen to your questions and give you thoughtful tips and answers? If the answer is no, your esthetician could be disinterested or bored with her job. – a big no-no when it comes to treating your skin.

A great esthetician is never distracted. Estheticians who seem busy, are much more likely to make mistakes during your treatment, which could lead to irritation, pain or injury. A good esthetician will focus their mind and energy on you and only you during a treatment.

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